The last of several probate cases filed this year challenging the competency of Sumner Redstone has finally ended.
As you may have heard, 93-year-old media mogul Sumner Redstone has faced an onslaught of legal cases challenging his mental competency this year. The trouble began when his estranged daughter came back into his life and his estate plan was rewritten in her favor.
The first case was filed by a longtime girlfriend who was ousted from his home and care. Redstone won that battle, but almost immediately afterward faced another battle brought by shareholders of his companies who were upset that he ousted longtime friend Philippe Dauman from his position at Viacom. That case eventually settled when Dauman and others decided they did not have the resources to see it through.
That left the last case challenging Redstone's competency to be dealt with. It was brought by his granddaughter Keryn Redstone.
She claimed she had been forced out of Sumner's life by his daughter and that she was being treated unfairly in his estate plan. She has now agreed to drop her case after meeting with her grandfather. As Private Wealth reports in "Redstone Ends Trust Battle After Meeting with Granddaughter," it remains to be seen whether the two reached any agreement to resolve any of her other claims.
While all legal challenges against Sumner Redstone are now concluded, it should not be assumed this is the end of the story entirely. Unless everyone resolves their differences, the battle over his estate after he passes away could get ugly.
Reference: Private Wealth (Oct. 7, 2016) "Redstone Ends Trust Battle After Meeting with Granddaughter