Some celebrities retain enormous popularity long after they have passed away. A strange piece of Marilyn Monroe memorabilia is about to go up for auction that proves that she still has her star power.
Images of Marilyn Monroe are still used by companies to sell their products, even though she passed away decades ago. In recent years, her likeness has been used in a commercial that premiered during the Super Bowl.
Out of all of the famous people who still have star power long after they passed away, she might be the one that has the most. An upcoming auction shows just how much star power she still has.
The plaque that used to mark her mausoleum is being sold. It was replaced many years ago because it had become so worn by visitors touching it. The bidding will start at $10,000, but it is expected to go much higher.
TMZ reported on this story in "Marilyn Monroe Mausoleum Marker Up For Grabs."
It is not clear from the reporting who will receive the proceeds from this auction. Monroe's estate is known to be very protective of her image, but it might not have ownership of this mausoleum marker.
One thing this shows is that anyone who has any ounce of fame at all would be wise to plan ahead about how things related to them will be handled after they pass away. Celebrity memorabilia can fetch enormous prices under the right circumstances. Estate planning should take that into consideration so it is clear what can be sold and who will benefit from anything that is sold.
Reference: TMZ (Jan. 22, 2017) "Marilyn Monroe Mausoleum Marker Up For Grabs."