Many people would like to be buried in non-traditional ways. While some alternative funeral ideas are good ones, not all of them are, as a recent example in Nevada makes clear.
A 92-year-old member of the Barstad family of Nevada had a request for his funeral. He wanted to receive a full Viking funeral after he passed away, which he recently did.
His family decided to fulfill the request, so they modified a boat and took it to a local lake. A family member loaded the boat with fireworks and doused it with gasoline. The man's body was placed on the boat. Finally, the boat was set on fire and adrift.
The story does not end there.
The boat exploded.
Debris, including body parts, flew all over the place. Some of it even hit fishermen, who were on the lake at the time, according to the Nevada County Scooper in "Family Cited For Viking Funeral on Local Lake."
It is needless to say that this Viking funeral was not a good idea.
It is part of a trend that has seen people requesting all sorts of non-traditional burial methods. While some of the ideas are perfectly fine, others are not.
Bad ideas include spreading ashes indoors and now Viking funerals.
If you would like to have a non-traditional funeral, you can do so.
Before requesting something specific, however, it is a good idea to make sure your request can be legally carried out.
Ideas that include fireworks, gasoline and open flames are normally not going to pass legal muster and are likely to get your family in trouble, should they try to fulfill your request.
Reference: Nevada County Scooper (June, 2017) "Family Cited For Viking Funeral on Local Lake."